Monthly Archives: August 2013

“I’ve written a song for my wife.”

Fred was married 72 years to his wife. He wrote a song for her when he saw a songwriting contest advertised in the paper, and he couldn’t resist writing one for her. She had just passed a month earlier.
They had been together since the 30′s.
96 years old, Fred couldn’t play an instrument or sing, so he simply mailed in his lyrics, attaching his story in the letter. When the studio holding the contest saw his song and read his letter, they decided to record it for him and play the song for him to hear.

Grab some tissues before you watch this.


From the altogether fantastic NASA Art Program, iconic photographer Annie Leibovitz‘s portrait of astronaut Eileen Collins – the first female pilot (Discovery, 1995) and first female commander (Columbia, 1999) of a space shuttle program.